
#723: Exoplanets by the Numbers

#723: Exoplanets by the Numbers

Astronomers have discovered thousands of exoplanets, revealing entirely new types of worlds that we don’t have in the Solar System. It is enough to start getting a rough sense of what kinds of planets are out there. What’s the big picture? Show Notes Our World in Data...

#722: Weather on Exoplanets

#722: Weather on Exoplanets

Here’s a familiar question: how’s the weather? We’re familiar with the weather on Earth and telescopes and missions are watching the weather on other planets in the Solar System. But for the first time in history, astronomers can now answer that question for...

#721: Free-Floating Planets

#721: Free-Floating Planets

Most of the exoplanets we’ve found are around stars, where they belong. But a few have been found free-floating in interstellar space. The evidence is growing that there are a lot of them out there, maybe even more than planets with stars. How do they form and how can...

#720: Galaxy Series – Elliptical Galaxies

#720: Galaxy Series – Elliptical Galaxies

Our galaxy series continues with elliptical galaxies. Unlike other types, these are large, smooth with very few distinguishing features. They’re filled with red and dead stars, a clue to their evolution. Listen Show Notes This episode discusses Elliptical Galaxies,...

Ep. 719 – Galaxy Series: Spirals

Ep. 719 – Galaxy Series: Spirals

Our galaxy series continues, on to spiral galaxies. In fact, you’re living in one right now, but telescopes show us the various shapes and sizes these galaxies come in. Thanks to JWST, we’re learning how these spirals got big, early on in the Universe....

Ep. 718: Galaxy Series – Dwarf Galaxies

Ep. 718: Galaxy Series – Dwarf Galaxies

It’s time to begin a new mini-series, where we’ll look at different classes of galaxies. Today, we’ll start with the dwarf galaxies, which flock around larger galaxies like the Milky Way. Are they the building blocks for modern structures?