Ep 485: Docking, Refueling, and Transferring
It’s one thing to get to space. But once you’ve made it there, what do you want to do? You’ll probably want to dock with another space ship, deliver cargo, refuel. Today we’ll talk about how all that happens.
Ep 484: Transfer Orbits and Gravitational Assists
If you want to get around in the Solar System, you’ll want to take advantage of natural gravitational speed boosts and transfer orbits. Whether you’re heading to the outer Solar System or you want to visit the Sun itself, the planets themselves can help you in your journey.
Astronomy Cast now available via Amazon's Alexa!
You can now enable the Amazon Astronomy Cast skill on your Alexa enabled device (in the US now, Canada soon)!
Ep 483: Stopping in Space
It’s one thing to get from Earth to space, but sometimes you want to do the opposite. You want to get into orbit or touch down gently on the surface of a planet and explore it. How do spacecraft stop? And what does that even mean when everything is orbiting?
Ep 482: Alternative Ways to Space
Getting to space is all about rockets, but people are trying to figure out other methods that could carry payloads to orbit and beyond. Railguns, airplanes, tethers and more. Today we’ll talk about alternative methods of spaceflight.
Ep 481: Rockets pt. 3 – Going Faster, Higher, Farther after Fairing Separation
We’ve seen rockets blast off from here on Earth. But that’s only half the story. Rockets have additional stages to push them into trajectories, like transfer orbits and various orbital maneuvers. Let’s talk about what happens after the rocket is long gone, beyond our sight.
Ep 480: Rockets pt. 2- Multi-stage Boosters
The vast majority of rockets are multi-staged affairs. Why is this? What makes this kind of rocket so successful? Today we look at the ins and outs of multi-stage rockets.
Ep. 479: Rockets pt. 1- What Does "Single Stage To Orbit" Really Mean?
To celebrate the launch of the Falcon Heavy, we figured it was time for an all new series, this time on the rockets that carry us to space. Today we’re going to talk about why single stage to orbit rockets are so difficult to carry out.
Astronomy Cast Special: Q & A with Dr. Pamela Gay
Pamela will be on to answer your space and astronomy questions live, as Fraser enjoys auroras in Iceland this week!
Ep. 478: Apollo 8 with Paul Hildebrandt
On Christmas Day, 1968 Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders became the first human being to see the far side of the Moon. Their mission, of course, was Apollo 8, the first time human beings had ever left Earth orbit and seen the far side of the Moon. Today we talk all about Apollo 8, with special guest Paul Hildebrandt, director of a new documentary about the mission.