
Ep. 620: Why Getting to the Outer Worlds is So Difficult

Ep. 620: Why Getting to the Outer Worlds is So Difficult

Good news! Over the next few years, we’re going to see a flotilla of new missions headed to Jupiter and Saturn. Why aren’t we seeing more missions to the outer planets, like Uranus and Neptune? It turns out, those places are far away. Today let’s talk about the challenge of exploring the outer Solar System.

Ep. 612: Update: SETI, METI (and WETI)

Ep. 612: Update: SETI, METI (and WETI)

Last week we talked about the various ways that astronomers could detect the presence of intelligent civilizations by observing technosignatures. This week we’ll give you an update on the state of searching for extraterrestrials. This field has gone from a collection of pariahs to a completely legitimate field of research. What’s changed?