#744: Lunar Time

What time is it on the Moon? The Moon orbits the Earth, so it doesn’t fall into a specific time zone. It’s time to introduce Lunar Time. 

Our Hosts

Fraser Cain
Universe Today

Dr. Pamela Gay

Production by

  • Richard Drumm, Audio Engineer
  • Ally Pelphrey, Video Engineer

18 Seasons

700+ Episodes

2018 Winner Parsec Award

Ep. 521: The Deep Space Network

Ep. 521: The Deep Space Network

We always focus on the missions, but there’s an important glue that holds the whole system together. The Deep Space Network. Today we’re going to talk about how this system works and how it communicates with all the spacecraft out there in the Solar System.

Ep. 520: Transients: What They Are and Why They Matter, Part 2

Ep. 520: Transients: What They Are and Why They Matter, Part 2

This is our second episode in a two part series where we look at Transients in astronomy. In last week’s episode, we talked about things that change here in our own Solar System. Now we’ll talk about everything else in the Milky Way and beyond.

Ep. 520: Transients: What They Are and Why They Matter, Part 2

Ep. 519: Transients: What They Are and Why They Matter

Astronomers have found that sometimes the Universe changes. Things move, things explode, things get brighter or dimmer. In fact, knowing this has helped astronomers discover some very important aspects of the Universe. Today we begin a two part series on Transients and their role in astronomy.

Ep. 518: When the Universe tried to Declare War

Ep. 518: When the Universe tried to Declare War

We always say the Universe is trying to kill us. But there was this one time, when the Universe used our own fear of nuclear attack against us, nearly setting off a global nuclear war. Nice try Universe, we’re on to you now.

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