BONUS: The Week of Too Much News

In this bonus episode, we bring you behind the scenes audio from our June 10 pre-show discussion about the “far too much news” that occurred the week of June 3, 2024. Check out the original recording on YouTube here. This episode was sponsored by Mint Mobile.

Our Hosts

Fraser Cain
Universe Today

Dr. Pamela Gay

Production by

  • Richard Drumm, Audio Engineer
  • Ally Pelphrey, Video Engineer

17 Seasons

700+ Episodes

Ep. 568: In Situ Resource Utilization

Ep. 568: In Situ Resource Utilization

The key to surviving in space will be learning how to live off the land. Instead of carrying all your fuel, water, and other resources from Earth, extract them locally at your destination. It’s called In Situ Resource Utilization and if we can figure this out it’ll change everything.

Ep. 567: When Satellites Need a House Call

Ep. 567: When Satellites Need a House Call

Space is really far away, so when you send a satellite out into the void, that’s pretty much the last you’re going to be able to work on it. And if anything goes wrong, too bad, you’re out a satellite. But a new test has shown that it’s possible to actually visit and fix a satellite in space. Maybe we don’t have to throw them all away after all.

Ep. 566: When Comets Fall Apart

Ep. 566: When Comets Fall Apart

As everyone knows, the Universe owes us a bright comet. There have been a lot of promising candidates, but in the end, they always fail to live up to our expectations. Comets keep on breaking up with us.

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Welcome to Astronomy Cast!

Astronomy Cast offers you a fact based journey through the cosmos. Each week Fraser Cain (Universe Today) and Dr. Pamela Gay (CosmoQuestX / Slacker Astronomy) take on topics ranging from the nearby planets to ubiquitous dark matter. Your questions can guide our...