#744: Lunar Time

What time is it on the Moon? The Moon orbits the Earth, so it doesn’t fall into a specific time zone. It’s time to introduce Lunar Time. 

Our Hosts

Fraser Cain
Universe Today

Dr. Pamela Gay

Production by

  • Richard Drumm, Audio Engineer
  • Ally Pelphrey, Video Engineer

18 Seasons

700+ Episodes

2018 Winner Parsec Award

Ep. 609: The Benefits of Volcanoes

Ep. 609: The Benefits of Volcanoes

Volcanoes can be some of the worst natural disasters we can experience here on Earth, but life wouldn’t even exist without them. What are volcanoes good for anyway?

Ep. 608: NASA Perseverance – The First 100 Days

Ep. 608: NASA Perseverance – The First 100 Days

As you all know, Pamela refuses to talk about any missions which aren’t actually doing science. Well, Perseverance has crossed the line, from fantasy to an actual working rover, scooping regolith and yeeting helicopters. What has the rover accomplished in its first 100 days?

Ep. 607: InSight and Marsquakes

Ep. 607: InSight and Marsquakes

Mars is cold and dead today, but the massive volcanoes tell us what the planet used to be like, millions and even billions of years ago. But how volcanically active is the planet today? That’s what NASA’s Mars InSight lander is there to figure out.

Ep. 606: Time Dilation – Skipping Through Time

Ep. 606: Time Dilation – Skipping Through Time

Have you ever wanted to be a time traveler? Good news! You’re time traveling right now. Into the future at one second per second. Too long? Don’t want to wait? Good news, Einstein’s got you covered. Today, let’s talk about the weird world of time dilation.

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