2024 was a strange year! I’ll let your imagination take flight and consider how 2024 was weird for you. But, for space and astronomy we had some interesting, revolutionary, unsettling and downright weird stories pop up. Today let’s talk about them.
Show Notes
- Color of Uranus and Neptune
- The Mystery of Ziva
- Dark Oxygen Discovery
- Black Hole Jets and Novae
- Betelgeuse Companion
- Jupiter’s Red Spot
- Super Solar Flares
- Asteroid Impact 4.5 Billion Years Ago
- Hubble Tension and Dark Energy
Human transcription provided by GMR Transcription
Fraser Cain [00:00:49] Astronomy Cast Episode 737 The Weird Science Stories in 2024. Welcome to Astronomy Cast, our weekly fact based journey through the cosmos to help you understand not only what we know, but how we know what we know. I’m Professor Kane. I’m the publisher of University. With me, as always, is Dr. Pamela Gay, a senior scientist for the Planetary Science Institute and the director of Cosmic West Hip. How you doing?
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:01:10] I am doing well. I just got back from the American Geophysical Union meeting in Washington, DC. It was great to get to see so many people that I haven’t seen since before the pandemic. And you and I are both going to be processing all the amazing science that came out of that meeting for quite some time.
Fraser Cain [00:01:28] Yeah. Yeah. They don’t do a great job of like the press releases in the way that the American Astronomical Society media works. And so I have to go through it, talk by talk speaker by speaker, poster by poster and coy and say like, is this interesting? Is this interesting? And then I pull out usually 30 or 40 stories out of The View and then digest them down. And often that turns into about a month’s worth of reporting at a at a university. Wow. All of those stories. So so we will be trickling out what I think are the interesting stories out of this meeting and hopefully it will be stuff you’ve never heard. So, yeah, you know, one of the things that I’m really proud of now with Universe today is just how much reporting we do have. Stuff that nobody else is covering these stories. You know, I’m I’m digging deep into journals and archives and getting tips from from readers and and other and scientists. And so I think our reporting is quite unique now compared to to other people. Yeah.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:02:31] I do have to say one thing. AGU does do so much better than any other professional society is. Their awards ceremony was black tie recipients and presenters. So the pair of presenters, she was in an amazing immaculate gown that was like, I someday want to be a little old lady in a glittery gown that looks that good. The men were in tuxedos most of the time. And so you have these scientists who are probably for the first time in their adult life other than weddings. Right. Wearing gowns. And they all had flowers and they were using teleprompters. So everything was like produce. So it was like an awards ceremony I was pleased to be at. And they had this amazing video production of why the people got the awards. It was everything you would want in a society awards ceremony. Yes.
Fraser Cain [00:03:35] It is a thing. Is a thing. I’ve never said it’s true.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:03:39] I’ve never said it either.
Fraser Cain [00:03:42] 2024 was a strange year. I’ll let your imagination take flight and consider how 2024 was weird for you, but for space and astronomy we had some interesting, revolutionary, unsettling and downright weird stories pop up today. Let’s talk about them and we will do it in a second. But first, it’s time for a break.
Speaker 3 [00:04:02] Get evacuated. Yeah. They got a bomb. It will be. Must be Kenya Medevac. Like I may look pretty good that they budget that system as Grandy El-Gamaty totally meant David or appreciate that axiom permanent and thought that la river lovers happy rep for consumer may not combustible either what as me yes econ LBC forex total mint electrical auroras own mess electrify content Toyota punto com Toyota by Germans hunters.
Fraser Cain [00:04:33] And we’re back. All right. I’m going to come right out here. I’m going to take the first story because I think I really need to sort of set people’s expectations here. And that is that we have all been living a lie. And that is that Uranus and Neptune are different colors.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:04:55] Yeah.
Fraser Cain [00:04:56] Uranus is this sort of light blue color. And Neptune is this deep blue color. You can tell them apart at a glance. If this is what you believe. You are wrong. That these two planets look very familiar. You could, you know, put them in front of you and switch them back and forth. And you would have trouble telling which one is which. And the reason is because way back in the beginning, when the Voyager spacecraft did its flybys of of both Uranus and Neptune, the when they did the Uranus flight, they were very careful to calibrate the colors and and and make those colors available. And people have been thinking about them for a long time. And when they did Neptune, the image was done very quickly. And they did a very kind of quick stab at getting the color. And they produced some images and the images were provided to the press and the color just stuck. And in this case, the color was, you know, like blue, but but not the same sort of greenish light blue that that Uranus is. And nobody kind of went back and revised it, even though planetary scientists knew that that that was not the true color of what you would actually see if you were floating above Neptune with your own eyes. And then somebody, some hero, did a follow on study, sat down, looked at the raw data, produced an image of what Neptune would actually look like with your own eyes. And lo and behold, it looks very similar to Uranus. And so. I like. I don’t want to tell you now. Right. But but this is. This is the universe that you now find yourself in.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:06:43] It it is truly delightful. And it it is an explanation of why we really need the little moral equivalent of film camera color correctors on Mars rovers. You and I, we need to process the images first, quick and dirty and then slow and carefully. And the slow and careful needs to come weeks later, not decades later.
Fraser Cain [00:07:11] Yeah. Yeah. What have you got?
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:07:14] So. So the weirdest story to me, the one I will be giggling over in terms of this is the strangest thing that could happen is the story of zoos that it all started with a Radiolab episode where Latif Nasser was was talking about a poster on the wall of his child’s bedroom that had next to Venus, a small object that he read as zero Ziva Ziva. And he’s like, I didn’t know Venus had a moon, and he went cold.
Fraser Cain [00:07:51] Zuzana.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:07:52] Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So he went down the Internet rabbit hole and found nothing. But because of who he is and the connections he’s made over his life, he. He then proceeded to reach out to Liz Landau at NASA, who’s like, no, there, there there isn’t an object called Ziva.
Fraser Cain [00:08:14] Why is it on this poster? Yeah.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:08:16] Right. And and so then she got to looking at it and thinking. And as other people get called into the conversation, it was realized this is actually the object. 2002 V, not Z or Z, two zero 0 to 2002 the E, And it was a quasi moon of Venus. It’s still there. It’s still doing its thing, right. And a quasi moon is an object that is in a slightly more or less elliptical orbit than the world it’s associated with so that they’re both going around the sun with the same length year. But the one object is either inside the orbit or outside the orbit of the main body, depending on where it is in the orbit. And it appears if you graph it over enough time to be going round and round and almost like a butterfly flapping its wings pattern.
Fraser Cain [00:09:18] Yeah. So is it a horseshoe liberator or is it a quasi moon?
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:09:24] It’s a quasi.
Fraser Cain [00:09:25] Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there’s a whole bunch of these kinds of objects. And, you know, I think people were quite familiar with the one that came close by the earth, I think from September to December. Yes, we had a quasi moon. And it’s the same situation where the object gets close to the gravitational falls into the gravitational well of the larger object for a little bit, does a couple of orbits around the planet and then and then sort of walks back away out into solar orbit. And this happens apparently every couple of years for Earth, and it must happen every couple of years for Venus as well.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:10:02] And some of them stick around a whole lot longer. Some of them are very passing because it turns out their period of going around the sun is just enough different that they’re only here for a little bit of time. Now, the thing was, this entire story ended up leading to the International Astronomical Union deciding to permanently name the quasi moon as a fly. And that, like breaks every rule on how things normally get named. But it’s just this wonderful moment in time. And then Latif and the other folks involved in all of this were like, Can we name something else? And so there’s right now a naming contest. All of you can vote on to name one of Earth’s quasi moons. They did a public suggest names. I was actually one of the people on the committee to help downsize the names that were selected to a list of ten. And so you can now, because of a really badly labeled quasi moon on a children’s poster. Go, actually. Name one of Earth’s quasi moons.
Fraser Cain [00:11:10] That’s amazing.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:11:11] It’s so weird. It’s just weird.
Fraser Cain [00:11:13] All right. We’re going to continue on with the strange stories. But first, it’s time for another break.
Speaker 3 [00:11:20] Katie that way. Yeah, they got a bond. It will be. This must be Kenya Medevac. Like I may look terrific. Either they budget that system as Grandy. El-Gamaty totally meant David. He’ll appreciate that. I assume permanent. They know that the river level is happy rep for consumer may not conclusively be there. What amazed me yes econ LBC forex total mint electrical auroras own mass electrified content Toyota punto com Toyota VI. Germans Hunters.
Fraser Cain [00:11:51] And we’re back. All right. So I want to talk about this strange discovery that was made this year. Dark oxygen. Yeah. And this was an analysis of these strange objects that are found down at the bottom of the ocean. And these. I forget what their name is. But anyway, they’re these. These little blobs of metal that sit down on the bottom of the ocean. And companies are quite excited about being able to mine these things that you could run a net along the bottom of the ocean and you would just bring up tons and tons of these. And they’re very concentrated in, you know, the kinds of things that we need in our modern economy, cobalt and and various other fairly rare metals. And so it’s thought that, in fact, these could be a huge source for for what we need for electric cars. But also harvesting them would cause tremendous damage.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:12:48] To.
Fraser Cain [00:12:48] The environment. And so, you know, people have held off mining these with concern of the environmental impact.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:12:56] Yeah, they’re called nodules. We all know the grade of it, naming things, the right nodules.
Fraser Cain [00:13:01] And so scientists have been looking at the sort of chemical chemistry that happens with these nodules and found that they are a producer of oxygen in a part of the ocean that is normally starved for oxygen. Look up at the very sunlight. Yeah. At the top of the oxygen you have where the where the ocean sort of interacts with the atmosphere and you get this mixing of oxygen into the water and that can sort of percolate down and provides the source of oxygen for life. But once you run out of that oxygen, then things get very starved for life and you need another things give restart for oxygen. So you need a way to replenish that. And they’ve pointed to, in fact, these nodules at the bottom of the ocean could be trickling in oxygen into the deep ocean, and then that could be a source of of oxygen for life. And, you know, obviously, this has implications for entire ecosystems at the bottom of the ocean that, you know, it’s not just dredging through that you’re going to cause damage, but in fact, you might be taking away their source of oxygen that they need. But the other thing that’s really interesting is that this could be a source of oxygen for for other planets, for exoplanets where they’re covered with ice and water and that no sunlight is making it down. And no, there’s no way to mix in oxygen into the water. But you could have this replenishment of oxygen into the ocean from these nodules that sit at the bottom of the ocean. And I thought that was that was really interesting and weird. And I think a lot of people really got grumpy about the name, about dark, because there’s always a dark matter that dark energy, dark, big bang.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:14:46] Floods, name things and.
Fraser Cain [00:14:47] Yeah, yeah, but but so oxygen producing nodules at the bottom of the ocean.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:14:54] It’s naturally occurring electrolysis, basically it’s magnesium and cobalt that when put in saltwater produce oxygen.
Fraser Cain [00:15:05] Yeah. Batteries. So if the bottom of the ocean.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:15:08] Yeah.
Fraser Cain [00:15:08] Batteries, natural batteries at the bottom of the ocean, that that is weird. What have you.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:15:12] Yes. And so it turns out that some of the active galactic nuclei out there, so these are massive black holes that have material falling into them and they have jets and the jets of flying out through the galaxy. And the the beams can trigger nova events in stars that are located too close to the beam. So there are literally actively feeding black holes, spewing out jets that when they basically have a glancing blow on stars, will trigger outbursts. These are actual novas that are occurring. And it’s in part because the material is is just filling up the star and it’s going, right, I love it.
Fraser Cain [00:16:03] I just yeah, yeah. I mean, look, this idea of the classical nova is, is where you have this white dwarf star that’s feeding off of material from a companion star and builds up enough material on its surface. And then it and then it has a little explosion, a little tantrum, and then it goes back to square one and starts building up the material on its surface than it has on tantrum. And and so these jets that are crossing tens of thousands of light years are. And and the exact mechanism is still not known like is it. Yeah. Is it that it’s actually just striking the stars with these white dwarfs with material and that’s building up to the point that they’re having Nova? Or is it just that the as the beam is passing through it’s causing turbo. The lines. That’s sending ripples of material that was already there. Gas clouds down. Is it somehow puffing out the outer layers of the companion star so that it’s, you know, more easy to feed as the you know, it’s increasing the temperature in the area, like the actual mechanism is still not known and yet. Yeah, it is so weird.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:17:09] And this is one of those findings that was discovered thanks to statistics which. How? Like I honestly would love to sit down and talk to the person who figured this out. And I was like, What made you realize that? That this was happening? Because it was literally a you see the jets and radio and optical and they noticed that Novae occurred more frequently near not inside near the radio jets. And it was simply a statistical there’s more here than here. But those aren’t places where normally you go comparing stuff. And so I just I’d love to know what caused them to look at at the placement within galaxies of these Novae. It’s a super cool result. And this is why we need to have telescopes in space because they can see such higher resolution. This is the Hubble discovery and that allows us to figure out how these things are located. It’s just really cool and weird.
Fraser Cain [00:18:18] It’s weird. Yeah. All right. We’re going to talk about some more weird things, but it’s time for another break.
Speaker 3 [00:18:26] Katie that way. Yeah, they got a bond. It will be. This must be Kenya Medevac. Like I may look terrific. Either they budget that system as Grandy. El-Gamaty totally meant David. He’ll appreciate that axiom permanent. They know that LA river lovers happy rep for consumer may not combustible either bottom as me yes econ LBC forex total mint electrical auroras own mass electrified content Toyota punto com Toyota VI German Hunters.
Fraser Cain [00:18:57] And we’re back. All right. So. So this is one that I’ve been following, which is an explanation for Beetlejuice. And, you know, we saw Beetlejuice dim down a couple of years ago. And and now people think that it’s probably due to either some like giant cell on the surface of Beetlejuice or maybe it’s some gas cloud that had been produced that now the star was passing in behind or the cloud was passing in front of of Beetlejuice. And that’s weird. And Beetlejuice is a variable star. And we know that it has these regular pulsations that go off of its off of its surface, but it actually has two cycles. So there’s like the main one and then there’s a secondary cycle that is more like about 1300 days long. And astronomers always wonder what is causing this second cycle, like the mean cycle. Sure, the star is kind of pulsating in a way that all super giants do. Why this second variable variability? And researchers have proposed that, in fact, it’s due to a binary star that is orbiting around Beetlejuice, that you’ve got this star that is orbiting roughly the distance of Jupiter. Like it’s very close. It’s probably like a son sized star that is orbiting around Beetlejuice. And so the variability that we’re seeing is just depending on the position of the star, that when the star goes behind Beetlejuice, from our perspective, then it disappears. And the total brightness that’s coming from Beetlejuice goes down, which is different from when it’s on one side of the star or the other or when it’s passing directly in front of it. And so we’re getting this variability caused by the star. And I just love this idea that there is a companion star to buildings that we just can’t see through any other way, but just measuring subtle changes in brightness, kind of in the same way that we detect exoplanets based on the changes in brightness as this as the as the star in this case is passing in front of Beetlejuice. I mean, this is, you know, these things, these, you know, these binaries. Yeah. Which we have binary stars that are passing in front of each other, you know, transient. What’s the technical term? You’re the astronomy here.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:21:08] Transient transiting planets.
Fraser Cain [00:21:10] Transit nearby, but nearby like stars, stars.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:21:14] Transit eclipsing binary eclipsing binary.
Fraser Cain [00:21:16] Search it. Yeah. Yeah. And then in many cases you can’t tell that there are two stars orbiting around each other. You can’t split the difference, but you can tell because just the way you get the variability in the brightness of the star. Yeah. And sometimes one stars in front of the other. And so it has one spectral characteristic and then the other time the other ones in front, it gets a totally different spectral characteristic. And so it could very well be that Beetlejuice has a binary companion that we just haven’t been able to find.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:21:44] So so for the next story, I think I think we have time to hit two rapid fire ones. So one rapid Fire one that’s on my list is Jupiter’s red Spot is not the same red spot observed by Galileo. We now think because there was a period of observations where a whole bunch of really prominent people were looking at Jupiter and never saw the red spot. Yeah. And so there was this evolution in position and size, position and size and then nothing.
Fraser Cain [00:22:15] Yeah. From like the 1600s to the 1800s. Yeah.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:22:18] And then about 190 years ago it came back. And so the question is, is when’s it going to disappear on us again? And we’re seeing that same evolution and position that we’ve seen in the past. And I love that Jupiter just grows giant red spot.
Fraser Cain [00:22:34] Right? But but also that our total understanding and this is back to your whole life is why I write that that Cassini first saw the red spot back in the 1600s and then people saw the red spot later on. And it was assumed that the Red Spot has been there for a long time, maybe thousands of years. Maybe, maybe it’s a permanent fixture on the surface of Jupiter. But someone said, well, did anybody observe it after Cassini? But before the two hundreds when they were making regular observations and astronomers like, no, nobody saw it like people were looking at Jupiter, but nobody saw the red spot.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:23:08] Right.
Fraser Cain [00:23:09] And now people are quite sure that it just wasn’t there.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:23:14] And that is amazing.
Fraser Cain [00:23:16] Yeah. And that it’s a totally different spot than what Cassini saw then. And what astronomers see today is are different spots.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:23:23] And we’re learning more and more about things that happen on century scales, which means pre modern technology and recording. So we don’t have modern examples of them. But the sun, we both flagged the story. Yeah. Sun, it turns out, has super flares are so violent they would break your phone. So no aurorae pictures for you and no modern technology for any of us.
Fraser Cain [00:23:49] Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we see the like, we know of the Carrington event, which was this. I mean, really bad. Powerful solar storm that happened back in the 1800s. And it was, you know, people at the mid-latitudes saw auroras. People watched telegraph lines catch on fire. And this was before the modern technological world that we live in. And this was, you know, the most powerful flare that hit the earth in in modern memory. But astronomers have seen other really powerful flares going off of the sun just in different directions, stuff that would have matched or exceeded the Carrington event. And there are these tree rings that show evidence that that there have been far more devastating. Solar flares hit the earth over the last, say, 5000 years. And the scary part is that the Carrington event isn’t one of them. It didn’t register. It wasn’t powerful enough to be one of these flares.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:24:45] What got me about how they did this was it also has impacts on that was not an intended pun on like how we do paleontology in archeology, because when these massive flares hit our upper atmosphere, they cause the creation of significantly more carbon 14, which is the kind of unstable carbon 14 that then becomes part of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, gets ingested, ingested. I don’t know the rest. Respiration into plants becomes power plants. And so they’re looking at the tree rings and some of the tree rings are like, I shall have a whole lot more carbon 14 because the sun was angry. And so you can imagine someone had a fire with a bunch of branches that were very young from a year of an angry sun, and they’re going to totally carbon date that as being much newer than it actually was. And that is just weird.
Fraser Cain [00:25:45] And what I love is, is a new paper came out, I think, yesterday. Yeah.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:25:50] Which was super flares once per century.
Fraser Cain [00:25:52] Yeah. Yeah. So sonobuoys are trying to figure out. Okay, so we know that the sun can produce these kinds of flares. How often does this thing happen? And so they used Kepler and they looked at historical information taken by the Kepler spacecraft of 55,000 stars. And because Kepler looks at this giant field of stars at the same time, they were able to put together a total of 220,000 years of data from Kepler staring at all of these stars. And then back to statistics, they were able to calculate how many times they saw flares in that population in those hundreds of thousands of years of star life. And they were able to calculate that on average, a star like the Sun produces a very powerful Carrington event level solar flare every hundred years or so. Now, not in our direction, but just in random directions.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:26:47] Yeah.
Fraser Cain [00:26:47] Yeah. And and so we are when you think about all of the possible directions that the same can blast its flares, the ones that come towards Earth are a fraction of it. And so, but worse than the current event, like the ones that would be recorded in the tree rings, that’s what the sun can do once one every hundred years.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:27:06] And and just to bring up something I don’t think we have time to get into and I don’t know a lot of details on there is the realization that one of the earlier mass extinctions was caused by a more massive asteroid striking the earth than the one that killed the dinosaurs. Right. So about 4.5 billion years ago, there was a asteroid that they named us, too, because, again, we shouldn’t be allowed to name things that was 5200 times larger than the Yucatan Peninsula. In fact, it vaporized 10,000km³ of rock that then condensed into molten droplets.
Fraser Cain [00:27:55] Wow. Yeah.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:27:57] So it completely rocked our early planet. But because of the way it makes things up and the way it changed our atmosphere, it allowed a massive boost of life formation afterwards. Yes.
Fraser Cain [00:28:10] Yeah. Yeah. It’s funny that. That when you have these devastating impacts, then life has encouragement to evolve, I guess. Yeah. You know, various ecosystems are blasted to smithereens and then it gives other lifeforms a chance to evolve. And the other thing back to the to the Carrington event. And of course, there are supernovae that have happened in the last few million years. Yeah. That it might be that an increase in ultraviolet radiation that’s able to reach the ground also encourages a lot of mutation in life and mostly just leads to horrible cancer. But every now and then it leads to life finding a new way to dominate in its niche. All right. You know, we’re sort of right at the end of the show, but I think there’s one story that is perhaps the weirdest that we have been watching for years. And I think we just got some. Interesting insight into it just at the end of this year. And I think a lot of our reporting next year is going to cover this. With Euclid coming online and Vera Rubin coming online and and the dark energy spectroscopic instrument and this is this from Desy is you know we’re talking about the Hubble tension how you know, the expansion of the universe is different at different times when we measure it. And for the longest time that was assumed to be measurement error. This is the Hubble tension, the crisis of cosmology. And now Desy has done this incredibly in-depth look at the shape and structure of the universe and the various parts of the universe over billions of years and said, Nope. It does look like things were variable throughout the history of the universe that may be dark at the expansion rate of the universe has been changing over time that maybe the influence of various forces in the universe were different at different points in in time.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:29:58] But the thing that I think everyone can agree on right now is if dark energy comes into existence and plateaus before Z equals to within the past several billion years, plateaus within the past several billion years, you can erase the Hubble tension. Now the problem is no one quite knows what to blame on dark energy. And so I went down a magnificent rabbit hole of black holes, cause dark energy. And it’s like mind. There’s a lot of people and it makes a lot of sense, but it doesn’t fully work the way I thought it did when I read the papers initially. And a comment I saw was astronomers are going to blame anything that comes into existence within the first billion years or so after the first billion years or so as a possible cause. And we don’t know yet what the actual cause will turn out to be.
Fraser Cain [00:30:56] Yeah. And so, you know, maximum weirdness either like just the standard model of cosmology, as we’ve come to understand it has additional modifiers that nobody had ever figured out or that that things that we thought were held stable throughout the history of the universe are actually changing the amount of dark energy. There’s the pull of gravity, the amount of dark, dark matter like like these things. Somewhere there is new physics and now it’s up to the astronomy community to find those physics. And they’re excited. I mean, it’s like, what a present for physics to you have this mystery and but also have enough clues and hints pointing in various directions that people could start to track down what exactly is is going on. And so I think it’s going to be it’s going to be weird and it’s going to be fun. And I think we’re going to have a field day in the next couple of years of just reporting on all of this stuff.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:31:50] And what I’m loving is it looks like they’re going to be able to improve our understanding of the insides of black holes by realizing we have to fix some of the wild assumptions that we’ve made of just being able to ignore stuff because that stuff we’ve been ignoring is cosmological irrelevant?
Fraser Cain [00:32:10] Yeah. So yeah, fun. It’s super cool. All right. So I hope you guys enjoyed some of the interesting, weird, strange stories that we’ve been watching this year. Thanks, Pamela.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:32:22] Thank you, Fraser. And thank you so much to everyone out there who is a supporter of this show through Patreon. As always, you can also support Fraser and I through Universe Today on Patreon, through Cosmic Quest, X on Patreon. To those of you supporting this show, thank you.
Fraser Cain [00:32:41] And you can give it as a gift.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:32:43] If you’re in the car.
Fraser Cain [00:32:44] Right now. Yeah. And you are the supportive spouse of an astronomy cast fan. Yeah. And you’re. And you’re like, what can I give this person who has everything, who wants for nothing, who just wants knowledge and curiosity? You can have them join our page. If you go to Page Omnicom Search Astronomy cast slash gift, you can give the gift of knowledge and you can also do universe today. Such gift you can do because of course, such gift you can give astronomy, give our Patreon as a gift and you can in all of the benefits of of being a full fledged patron member with none of the the expense. So consider giving that as a gift that you’re welcome. I just saved you having to actually go to the mall and shop with the, you know, the the zombie masses.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:33:40] Yeah. This is also a great gift for the elder members of your astronomy club who listen but may not have the resources because they’re in America, too, to be able to afford patron. There’s so many people out there who could be in your life who just can’t be on page. Right. And you can change that anyways. Anyways, I am going to think this week. Alex Cohen. Andrew Stephenson. Astrocytes. Benjamin Davies. Buggy Net. Bruce Amazon. Claudia Mastrianni. Daniel Loosely. David Gates. Doctor. Whoa. Elliott Walker. Felix Goot. Galactic President. Superstar. Exclusive Lot. Glenn McDevitt. Greg Wilde. AJ Alex Anderson. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Nay. Jeff Wilson. Jimmy Drake. Jimmy Drake. Sorry, John There’s just Me and the Cat. Keith Murray. Columbus. Rob Love Science. Laura Carlson. Marco Rossi. Matt Rooker. Image W 1961. Super Symmetrical. Michael Regan. Neat that Weiler. Paul Hayden. Planetary. Ron Thorson’s grown. Simeon Tau Forson. Steven Coffee. Thomas Zita Tushar and Kimi. And those are the humans whose names I have pronounced and variously cracked levels. And you can add names to our list out well. Thank you.
Fraser Cain [00:35:10] Thanks, everyone. And we’ll see you next time.
Dr. Pamela Gay [00:35:13] Humor by everyone. Astronomy Cast is a joint project of Universe Today and the Planetary Science Institute. Astronomy Cast is released under a Creative Commons attribution license. So love it. Share it and remix it. But please credit it to our hosts Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay. You can get more information on today’s show topic on our website, Astronomy Cars.com. This episode was brought to you thanks to our generous patrons on Patreon. If you want to help keep the show going. Please consider joining our community at Patriot Act. Com slash astronomy cast. Not only do you help us pay our producers a fair wage, you will also get special access to content right in your inbox and invites to online events. We are so grateful to all of you who have joined our Patreon community already. Anyways, keep looking up. This has been astronomy cast.
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